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Manta Dual Fill Outlet Panel (02632)

Catalogue number:309024
Our price: 983.13 € inc. of VAT
Availability:on request
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Product condition:NEW
Count: ks
Prague + e-shopon request
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Dual Outlet Fill Panel, as the name suggests, allows its users to fill two paintball tanks simultaneously. This appliance comes with quick release hoses. Now, you can easily change your broken or worn out hose to new one without any tools. That's something no other fill station offers. Its specially manufactured for tournaments and in big paintball arenas. After a lever is released the rest of the air is discharged. In the quick release there is a special hedge that wont let you fill a air tank until fully connected. This fill panel is compatible with DIN G5/8 (scuba diving tanks) when connecting to compresor you need to use hose (item number:) 02636 or 02637.

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