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Mechanix Gloves The Original Coyote

Catalogue number:507200
Market price in shops: 25.79 inc. of VAT
Our price from: 25.00 € inc. of VAT
You will save: 0.79 € (-3%)
Availability:goods is in stock
Product condition:NEW
Cat. numberSizePrice inc. of VATIn-store availability
Prague + e-shopBrnoOstrava
25.00 € 3-5 daysIn stockIn stock
25.00 € In stockIn stock3-5 days
25.00 € In stockIn stockIn stock
25.00 € In stockIn stockIn stock

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Designed for hot or humid conditions, the Original Vent Glove gives you a single-layer of lightweight air mesh on the top to minimize heat build-up while it’s perforated Clarino Synthetic Leather palm and fully ventilated construction keeps the entire hand comfortable and cool.

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