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DYE Resister 1.50 S Black

Catalogue number:z339006
Our price: 213.89 € inc. of VAT
Availability:on request
Information about merchandise availability is accessible from here.
Product condition:NEW
Count: pcs
Prague + e-shopon request

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The Resister is the first thermal lined bag, boasting the first water-resistant exterior and interior. The Resister's design keeps your gear cool on hot summer days, and stops your collected sweat from fermenting when the sun heats it up. When your gear has gone past the acceptable level of funk, you can empty it, wash it down inside and out, let it dry, and start the fungus culture experiment all over again.

• 100% Water Resistant Construction
• Thermal Insolated Optics Compartment (or a cooler for your cold one's)
• Large Playing Gear Compartment
• Cleat & Pod Compartment
• Telescopic Handle
• All Terrain Roller Wheels
• Memory Foam Carrying Handles
• ID Card Holder

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